Why do we call ourselves Salus? Who was she?
Salus was a Roman Goddess often associated with the Goddess Hygiea but technically distinct. Salus was the daughter of Aesculapius the God of Medicine and is herself known to be the goddess of wellbeing, prosperity, security, and safety. Her flavor of wellbeing is distinct from Hygiea in that Hygiea was the goddess of physical wellbeing and Salus is more holistic. She is often depicted as feeding a snake as caring for her father's snakes was one of her official duties, but this also represents that she is caring for "the least of these". She of all the Gods and Goddesses best encompasses our goal of caring for society by caring for individuals. We believe that our community is stronger when the least of these is cared for.
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We will use the funds donated or earned to provide access to counseling, assist with acute needs on a case by case basis, and hopefully in the future build transitional housing services for populations who most have difficulty accessing safe housing.
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